# Arthroscopy of the TMJ

The origin of the term "arthroscopy" is in Greek, where "arthros" means joint and "skopia" means to observe. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical intervention that is used to diagnose and treat joint problems. The operation involves the insertion of the arthroscope, which is a kind of tube inside which optical fibers radiate light and transmit, through a tiny video camera installed at its base, images to a screen visible to the surgeon and the medical team.

The operation is used to diagnose and treat a variety of joint problems such as locking of the jaw joint, synovial chondromatosis, and more. The jaw joint is entered by inserting the arthroscope through the skin in front of the ear. Usually an additional "tube" is inserted near the entrance area of the arthroscope to serve as a portal for the insertion of the surgical tools.

The advantages of arthroscopy compared to open joint surgery are the absence of surgical scars, fewer surgical risks, and a quick recovery time.

before image
after image

# Publications by Dr. Waseem Abboud on Arthroscopy of the TMJ:

Last Updated: 3/12/2024, 8:11:40 AM
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